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The wave, the surfer, the dream… When these three words are combined, our lives can change. A surfer always seeks the best waves, that relentless pursuit that makes him travel the world searching for the perfect wave.
But what if the wave, which we often dreamed of the ocean, was closer than ever imagined? And when we least expect it in a river?
A group of friends from Barreiro city, in Portugal, discovered a phenomenon: the boat that connects their city to Lisbon provides a perfect wave that rolls along 150 meters in the Tagus river. They call it: “Gasoline”.
A wave is just a wave until someone has the vision to ride it. And then the imagination can become reality.
Perfect, beautiful and mysterious, the wave shows only to those who really like her, seek her, cherish, and have a special relationship with her.
This is a story of friendship, dedication, strength to believe and sharing happiness in an unlikely scenario surfing Portugal’s most urban wave.
Despite being in the sight of thousands of people, the secret was now revealed…

Runtime: 23 minutes

Screening Time: October 17 - 10:35pm

with Soul of a Carnation, Heart of a surfer, 1964 and Groundswell

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